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The power of 1% 21st December 2015

How a 1% can make you $1,000's more.

free trivia questions and answers

Whether you like it or not, You are in the business of percentages. Play them right and you can completely turn around your venue. Let's take a look using a mid sized suburban hotel turning over $30,000 per

week as an example. Say he makes the following changes by 1% and see the end result.

  • Increases Turnover by 1% - $300 per week

  • Decreases COGS by 1% - $105 per week (Assuming 35% COGS)

  • Decreases Wages by 1% - $84 per week (Assuming wage cost of 28%)

  • Increase Prices by 1% - $303 per week (After increased turnover)

  • Decrease entertainment expenses by 1% - $15 per week (Assuming $1,500 spend) (Could save more than this with our trivia packs alone.)

By making all of the above changes we have increased our net profit by $807 per week

That's Freaking MASSIVE!!!! - It's an extra $41,964 per year added to your bottom line! You have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to do at least TWO of these things! Using our proven method of running a successful trivia night we can help you - Increase turnover AND decrease expenses.. I have been in your shoes paying the bill's - TAB, KENO, SKY, Foxtel, Bands, Wages, GST, Super - The list NEVER ends. Don't let your trivia night drag your down too. We provide EVERYTHING your need to host a successful night - The posters, the questions, power point shows and Tips and tricks to turn your hotel into a profitable one. Stand out and Make a difference. Follow this link here and say goodbye to your quiet night!!trivia-packages/cbjq Cheers,


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