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12 General Knowledge Quiz Questions 2nd September 2019

1) What is the first name of KFC's Colonel Sanders?

2) What is the only mammal capable of true and sustained flight?

3) From which part of an animal does tripe come?

4) In Greek mythology, what mountain was home to the Greek gods and goddesses? (optional hint -is the highest mountain in Greece.)

5) What Disney bird made his debut in the 1934 cartoon The Wise Little Hen?

6) Who plays the lead role of Alison Scott in the 2007 comedy "Knocked Up"?

7) What is the most common cause of humans contracting the Malaria virus?

8) The Industrial Revolution began in what country? (optional multiple choice - USA, Britain, Germany or Russia)

9) What modern profession has replaced the role of an Apothecary?

10) Who is credited with being the first person to suggest that the Earth is not the center of the Universe?

11) Who is Kate Hudson's famous mother?

12) Gutzon Borglum was an American artist and sculptor, he is most associated with his creation of what U.S landmark?

1) Harland 2) Bats 3) Stomach 4) Mount Olympus 5) Donald Duck 6) Katherine Heigl 7) Mosquito Bite 8) Britain 9) Pharmacist 10) Copernicus 11) Goldie Hawn 12) Mount Rushmore

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